
Info Box Living in Christ Ministries

Reproducing Leaders Through Gospel Transformation

As the project manager for Equipping Leaders International (ELI) in Tanzania, I conduct large group conferences to motivate and empower pastors and other strategic Christian leaders.I train nationals with the capability and calling to pass on the Gospel and Biblical teachings to the least resourced, thereby leading to the reproduction of a growing number of leaders who directly impact communities and cultures.

Serving the Community

My proven leaders are men and women of integrity who have an abiding love for Christ and are motivated to bring about Gospel Transformation in every aspect of community life, be it as church leaders or entrepreneurs. I can proudly state that my leaders directly influence over 1.7 million people, and that number is growing by the day.

Who I Am Living in Christ Ministries

Resources & Materials

My proven leaders are men and women of integrity who have an abiding love for Christ and are motivated to bring about Gospel Transformation in every aspect of community life, be it as church leaders or entrepreneurs. I can proudly state that my leaders directly influence over 1.7 million people, and that number is growing by the day.

LICM Ministry Resources

Here is a brief sampling of the 60+ resources currently available. Please contact us directly for a complete list and for additional information. All prices include domestic Media Mail shipping.The Attributes of God (Theology Proper)This is a detailed and thorough examination of the person of God and His attributes, apart from His works. Additional emphasis is given to the issues of divine sovereignty, providence, and the human will. Special attention is also devoted to the practical aspects of knowing God (250 pages; $25.00).The Life of Jesus Christ:  According to the Synoptic GospelsThis is basically a harmony of the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  It presents all that these gospels reveal about the birth and early life of Jesus; His baptism and temptation; along with samples of His discourses, miracles and parables are given. Special attention is given to the journey toward Jerusalem is it is presented by Luke. When we come to the Passion Week, once again all that the gospels reveal is dealt with in harmonistic fashion. This is a valuable look at the life of our Lord (155 pages; $15.00).The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology) There is much confusion today about both the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This is an extensive treatment about His unique person, and His work in history in both Testaments. His work with the unbeliever is described in detail, but the major emphasis is upon His work with the believer. There are special sections on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and revival (200 pages; $20.00).Spiritual Union and Communion with ChristThis is a biblical, theological, and practical study of this key doctrine of the Christian life. The study is comprised of two sections. First, the doctrine of spiritual union is developed from all the pertinent biblical data, and the appropriate theological and practical aspects are worked out. Second, the doctrine of spiritual communion is developed as the necessary corollary of our union with Christ. This is presented as the most glorious and ultimate reality for every saved sinner (200 pages; $20.00).The Kingdom ManifestoThese are expository studies in the Sermon on the Mount as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel (5-7). Much detail is given to the beatitudes, and then the Lord’s rebuttal of the Rabbinic tradition of His day. Every “thought block” of the sermon is carefully expounded and related to its immediate and overall context, with significant practical application given for meditation and practice (206 pages; $20.00).From Jerusalem to Rome This is an in-depth expository study of the book of Acts.  Not only is the historical narrative and key events expounded, but attention is given to many of the key themes in Acts such as the Holy Spirit and His work; prayer; baptism; evangelism; etc. The correspondence between Peter’s ministry and that of Paul’s is also highlighted. There is much practical application drawn out as well (165 pages; $17.00).Expository Studies From the Book of Romans   This is a detailed exegetical, expository, devotional, and practical study of the entire book. The material is divided into every major “thought block” of the book, and each one is carefully and thoroughly expounded. Major emphasis is given to developing the thought and theology of the apostle Paul, with application being given to conform our thinking to his (711 pages; $75.00).