Providing Formal Training, Resources & Education
to Pastors in Countries Around the World
Learn More About Me
Living in Christ Ministries also features an Amazon online bookstore called
I sell new and used quality Christian books online through my Amazon store in order to generate additional income. These funds are used to pay general operating expenses, so that ALL donations may be used directly for ministry purposes. In addition, these funds are used to supplement our Study Bible distribution project. We try to provide a FREE Study Bible to every pastor who attends one of our conferences. In the past few years we have supplied almost 3,000 such Bibles, to the great delight of the pastors receiving them. Please feel free to get in touch with me for more information about any aspect of my ministry, or learn how you can support my mission in East Africa.
Click here to View the PastorRichBookShelf

Living in Christ Ministries also offers access to my preaching/teaching ministry on
Sermon Audio
Here you will find over 600 of my sermons, Sunday school classes, and Bible Studies in an easy-to-access format. There were recorded during my pastoral ministry years from 2003-2013. You may find these messages useful for your own spiritual growth and edification, or perhaps you will want to use them to minister God’s word to others. Most of them are expository teachings through various books of the Bible, but there are theological and practical studies as well. On the resource page you will also find a sampling of notebooks that accompany most of these teachings. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I may be of further help to you.
Click Here to View My SermonsMake a Donation
I rely on generous donations and grants from individuals as well as other faith-based organizations to carry out my pastoral training activities in East Africa, which has now become the focal point of my ministry. All donations of any amount to help with this effort are greatly appreciated. In this way we share a partnership in the gospel, for the fame of Christ’s name among the nations!