Equipping Leaders International

Providing Christian Leaders With Formal Training & Education
Started over 20 years ago, Equipping Leaders International INC (ELI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and training pastors across the world. Most pastors in third-world countries don’t have formal training in Biblical or Theological Studies. Therefore, they are not equipped to shepherd the people of God in the churches where they serve. So, we partner with these highly influential yet under-resourced Christian leaders globally to equip them to be effective ministers of the word of God. But we also equip them to train others as well, in order to strengthen and multiply churches. We accomplish this mission through in-person conferences whenever possible, and by virtual conferences when travel is not possible. Through our efforts, and those that we train, we are currently impacting more than 2 million people worldwide.
Visit The ELI Organization Website Visit ELI Organization Page View My Sermons with Sermon AudioSpearheading ELI’s Venture in Tanzania
I have been working in East Africa for the past five years, doing conferences in Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania. I have written the curriculum for some of these conferences, but have used the many ELI resources available as well. Currently, I am the project manager for Tanzania in East Africa, and most recently have conducted conferences in Zanzibar. During the COVID pandemic, when travel was not allowed, I conducted virtual conferences. Lord willing, I will be able to travel again in the near future, returning to my many friends in Tanzania.One of the unique features of an ELI conference is that we fund the entire event. There is no way that these pastors that I minister could afford to attend a three-day conference. I just want them to be able to come and receive what the Lord has for them. But the cost for this is quite expensive when we have 100 or more pastors in attendance. So, I establish a gospel partnership with those who share this vision, and through their prayer and financial support I am able to continue advancing the ministry. I share ELI’s vision of bringing about Gospel Transformation across the globe, striving relentlessly to train men and women with the capacity and desire to train others. My goal is to equip leaders with the information and motivation to think and act redemptively in all spheres of life while serving as a shepherd to the community of Christians. In answer to the prayers of my supporters, we are watching the Lord do this very thing in Tanzania.
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